Tuesday, November 4, 2008

And then they turned 1

What have we done lately to make them so happy? The sick gods are shining upon us, we have made them VERY happy lately. My poor baby girls were sick on their birthday. Well, shall I say, Maggie was sick. Technically, Ally got sick after her birthday. Because of this and various other sickness (my back)we decided to delay the festivities until the day after their birthday (October 31). I knew that we would be combining many of birthday parties with Halloween, I just didn't know it would be this soon. Wyatt kept telling me he wanted to wear his Thomas costume for the "sisters" birthday and he was right, he would (note: he got sick in between Maggie and Ally). So, we put together their toys on the 31st and just set them out, Ally was hip. She loved the kitchen set. She played in it for a while. When Maggie saw it, she just sat their in stared, in a sick induced fog. In fact, she just played with a frying pan (toy) for a few minutes and then wanted someone to hold her. Well, on Sunday (Nov. 2)when she was feeling better, she discovered the frying pan had a kitchen set to go with it. She played and laughed, finally feeling better. So, their first birthday will always be remembered for them (along with their brother and my mother) being sick and my back surgery. Well, let's hope their second is better. In true form, they were still dressed to the nines although it was day late.

1 comment:

*~*Lis*~* said...

I love their little outfits! So cute. Sorry they were so sick - hopefully they all get over it soon!

Happy birthday Maggie and Ally!!