Wakes with little resistance to demands to go downstairs while carrying a box full of toys and getting fresh ice water (more on the box full of toys later).
Finds TV shows on demand and by episode.
Short order cook for such items as peanut butter and jelly, Taco Bell (his word for bean burritos if they are from Taco Bell or not).
Cures head bumps, scrapes, scratches and the list of minor and major ailments.
Settles disputes with 2, 1 year old sisters.
Plays, plays, plays whatever the game is.
Endures endless temper tantrums and rants.
Tries to find activities for a 3 year old with a zero attention span (learned this yesterday while trying to make Thanksgiving Turkey project).
And various other things.
And, this brings me to our bedtime ritual and the box of toys. For the past year, we have a bedtime ritual. It may change a bit here and there, get longer or shorter, but there is one always in place. So, all of you out there who don't have kids or those of you who do, but may have forgotten, I will remind you.
First, we start with begging, not from Wyatt, but from me. It goes somewhat like this, "Wyatt, time to go to bed", me. Wyatt, "but I am not ready to go to bed, Mommy. One more Diego, please." Me, "OK, but only one more." I usually try and stick to this. Sometimes I give him a 15 minute warning, sometimes 5. You get the idea. Well, when he finally acquiesced, I have to carry up the toys of the week, for the past couple of weeks it has been this box of them.
He doesn't play with them when he gets upstairs, he doesn't even take them out. He just has to have them with him. Also, must have his blanket and ice water. We go up there, I read him 1-2 books. Then I must cover him up with his blanket, animal print side up, and his sheet. Then I sing him, "You are my sunshine (once regular way and once with his name in it), while patting him, then I sing him a made up song follow that with about 20 kisses and 20 "I love yous" a couple of questions and then he goes to bed. But, I also get the satisfaction of knowing I am the perfect Mommy.........
Gotta run........my short order cook skills are being requested!