Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chicken soup for breakfast

My day got started early. At 5:49am, the call of nature awoke me. At 6am Wyatt comes walking in saying, "I'm soaked", evidently he had to go and go and go, too. Up to change his diaper. I hear Maggie talking. I come downstairs to buy some time. Make Maggie a bottle and feed her. While making coffee, I go to open the new coffee container and grounds come spewing out all over. Great! Wyatt asks for soup for breakfast. Why not? This is where the good mommy comes in, I make him a can of Campbell's condensed chicken noodle soup for breakfast. He loves it. Wants more. Ally wakes up. She is soaked. Change her clothes and feed her. While doing so, I hear Bonner. Look over and see her pulling the leftover bowl of soup over off of the table and watch it tumble to the floor sending soup flying in the air and all over. It is only 8:48am.............

Monday, June 16, 2008

Rollin, rollin, rollin

Ally is on the move. She just won't stop rolling. She rolls to get from place to place, put her down - she is gone. She is on the move. Won't be long until she crawls, she is pushing up on her arms. Maggie is better at sitting up. She will sit up for about 3-4 minutes before toppling over, getting mad and screaming. She really isn't into rolling, although she can, she won't. And I will leave with this parting thought from Wyatt. When Jim was leaving yesterday and saying goodbye, Wyatt told him, "watch out for snakes and crocodiles". What wise words for us all.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Wyatt Stories

Straight from the mouth of babes:

I have been telling Wyatt that Daddy is in Arkansas working. I try to fill our conversation with tidbits about Arkansas, getting a new house, selling this one, Daddy's work with trucks in Arkansas and what not. The other day, he turned to me and asked "When is daddy coming home from the ark?" Ahem, his name is Jim, not Noah!

I always like to comment on how cute my kids are to Jim. In the evenings I say things like, "they are so stinkin cute I could eat them up", "how did they get so stinkin cute?" The other morning all was as quiet as could be and Wyatt was sitting on the couch and turns to me and says, "Mommy, I am stinkin hungry".

You just never know what is going to come out of their mouths!!!!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

We have teeth - Chapter 2

I am proud to report that Miss Ally has now broken ground on a brand new tooth. Can't post a pic yet as it isn't photo worthy yet (can't quite see it in a picture) but it is definitely through the gum. So, I thought I would just post a cute pic of her anyways! Cheerios here we come!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Someone tell Fisher Price

and all of the rest of the companies that make swings, bouncy seats, jumparoos, exersaucers and all the toys that we HATE the music they use. I think they do it just to drive all of us adults crazy. I hear it in my sleep, I hear it at night when for a short time, all the kids have gone to bed and the house is quiet. This especially bothers me as quiet moments are very hard to come by. So, to hear those songs playing over and over again in my head drives me nuts. For those of you who don't have kids or can't remember what it is like, I compare it to spending time in Vegas when you go to bed and still hear the sounds of the casino floor in your head.

The songs are all played in that high pitch key which is like fingernails on the chalkboard. When I am here with the kids, I refuse to turn the music on the swing or bouncy seat. The noise of it combined with the noise of Wyatt's kids shows on the TV is enough to drive you over the edge. Then throw in a little crying. My Dad, who I absolutely am grateful for his help, insists on turning on all the music to the kids toys on full blast. He says it helps to calm them and they love it. That drives me even more crazy as 1. They don't really "love it" and 2. It drives me CRAZY.

OK, that is my pet peeve for the day. All kids toys should come with a USB port so you can download the music you want to hear all day. The kids don't care. I hope someone who has influence over the making of kids toys reads this. Remember, you heard this idea here first.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Memorial Day

Over the holiday, we went to visit my husbands 95 year old grandmother. She is doing remarkable. I hope that I am able to live that long! She is in a nursing home but is still very independant for 95. After our visit with her, we proceeding to or annual tradition of vacation with Jim's sister, Sherri and her family. This year, Jim's mother and nephew were able to join. We had a wonderful time. Here are some pics.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

When did?

Over Memorial Day weekend, we went to visit my husbands 95 year old grandmother in a nursing home. It was a wonderful visit to see all the generations together. While there, an old man gave me "the look". He literally undressed me with his eyes. I have never felt so disgusted and flattered at the same time. It started me thinking, when did.......

40 start to sound young?
a well organized, room for everything, diaper bag replace designer handbags?
having cute clothes for my children replace having cute clothes for myself?
Parenting magazine replace In Style?
reading a book at bedtime mean reading "Curious George" or "Goodnight Moon"?
5 hours of sleep sound like heaven?
watching my husband play with the kids give me a true belly laugh instead of watching Two and a half Men?
all three children going down for a nap together resulted in Happy Hour instead of drinks at seven with a few friends?
staying home became more fun then hanging out?
skorts replaced skirts and capris replaced pants?
whats for dinner became more important than where we are going for dinner?
the political future of our country became more important than my next career step?
poopy diapers once day became the topic of conversation between my mother and I?
a minivan became my car of choice?
a vacation at Disney became a dream vacation more than a trip to the caribean?
child friendly means happy mommy?
the thought of doing the same thing tommorrow as I did today and the day before mean comfort and contentment?
good school districts replaced convenience to shopping and local attractions?
moving away from your family became heartbreaking?
raising three well adjusted kids more important than winning the lottery?

I will tell you when, when I became a Mom.

And that's just a few! Let me know yours.